....for the love of squirrels....
------------------------- click on pictures for larger image -------------------------

Saturday, September 26, 2009

up & down


Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

Cute photos. Thanks for the smile.

Dancin Fool said...

What an excellent capture!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

They sure have been busy around my house. They are getting ready for the season.

Carver said...

Fun sequence of the squirrel going up and down. Cheers, Carver

Anonymous said...

Squirrels are such fun this time of year. Busy, busy, busy! Nice shots capturing their hyperactivity.

Hospice Info and other End of Life Choices

As a cancer patient I've learned to identify what kind of support and comfort I would like should the end-of-life become a known factor for me.

I hope you find the following links helpful should you find yourself or a loved one in similar circumstances.
------- Blog contains photos of squirrels, squirrels and more squirrels -------