....for the love of squirrels....
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Saturday, August 8, 2009

blend, quick!

photo taken May 2007

1 comment:

Carver said...

Your squirrel shots make me smile. I was looking at your links and I think it's great that you include a section on hospice and end of life. I was at a family reunion last weekend and found out that one of my cousins was a hospice nurse. I knew she was a nurse but didn't realize she worked for hospice.

It was interesting talking to her and specifically about some of the medicaid issues when a patient got better. She had one patient who was distressed to lose hospice care but the reason was she improved so much. There has to be a better way because the concern is that losing the home visits from my cousin might actually affect the patient's ability to fight the aggressive cancer. Well I didn't mean to babble on so, ha.

Hospice Info and other End of Life Choices

As a cancer patient I've learned to identify what kind of support and comfort I would like should the end-of-life become a known factor for me.

I hope you find the following links helpful should you find yourself or a loved one in similar circumstances.
------- Blog contains photos of squirrels, squirrels and more squirrels -------