....for the love of squirrels....
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Saturday, January 30, 2010

safety nook

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Squirrel seeking safety in the nook of this tree.
Not a very good photo but squirrelly enough for me.

Monday, January 25, 2010

yellow ribbon

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This squirrel stuck around for a couple of pictures
and then scurried quickly up the tree to join
its playmate that bolted as soon as I noticed them
frolicking around this tree.

photos were taken this past summer

Monday, January 18, 2010

scared stiff

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This little squirrel was sitting about 15 feet from me
when I stopped on a trail. The only thing moving was
its tail in the wind. Even after I continued on my way
he/she continued to maintain its position.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

stay away!

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Sure does look like this squirrel wants my
grand dog to stay away.

Hospice Info and other End of Life Choices

As a cancer patient I've learned to identify what kind of support and comfort I would like should the end-of-life become a known factor for me.

I hope you find the following links helpful should you find yourself or a loved one in similar circumstances.
------- Blog contains photos of squirrels, squirrels and more squirrels -------